Big news… there is no longer a giant hole at the INK site! As you can see from the pictures the construction team is just finished up pouring the concrete to create the last level of parking (P1) and will be at grade shortly.

Speaking of concrete, have you ever wondered what supports the slabs as they dry? Well, listen up, because we’re going to tell you!

The bottom level of concrete is set directly onto a bed of gravel fill and support footings. However, after that layer, the process get’s a little trickier. The construction team has to use a scaffolding system to create a subfloor before the next level can be formed.

For the construction of the INK parkade we have chosen to use a new, state of the art formworks system out of Germany called SKYDECK. An upgrade from typical scaffolding systems, SKYDECK has some great features:

  • It is lightweight making it quicker and easier to set up, take down, and transport between floors.
  • It has smaller prop requirements underneath the forms which leaves more space for work to continue below.
  • The panels lock into place making it very secure and minimizes swaying

After a slab of concrete is poured it takes about 24 hours before it is set enough to walk on, however it takes 3-4 days to fully cure before the SKYDECK is dismantled below and moved up a level.

Up next? Main floor.

Stay tuned.